We encourage you to join our Interest List to stay up to date on current openings.

Before Applying

It is highly recommended that member families have some familiarity with and much willingness to implement Charlotte Mason’s philosophy before joining. If you are new to CM and are interested in our community, we recommend reading For The Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay to determine if this educational philosophy is a fit for your family. 

You will also profit from reading Ambleside Online’s Introduction to Charlotte Mason, available here.

Volunteer Requirement

All member families are required to volunteer at least one day (or 4 hours) per month for a total of 32 hours per academic year. This volunteer requirement can be met by parents, grandparents and even older siblings. If you are unable to meet the volunteer requirement (either through home activities, after hours jobs or in-classroom volunteering) you will have the option to buy-out your volunteer time at a rate of $15 per hour.

Families who have failed to meet the volunteer requirement will be billed for any missing hours at a rate of $15 per hour.

Tuition & Fees

A $100 deposit per student is required to hold your child’s spot.

Members have the option of making up to 10 monthly payments due on the first of the month from August 1 through May 1.

Payment in full is always welcomed. We accept cash, check and card payments.

Please note that all card payments incur a fee which is the cost of processing the payment electronically. If you do not want to pay this fee, please pay with cash or check.

Kinder & Year 1 Students

Students hoping to enter Kinder at LEC must be age 5 by September 30.

Students hoping to enter Year 1 at LEC must be age 6 by September 30. 

In a Charlotte Mason education, formal schooling does not begin until age 6. 

Familiarity with Our Program

When applying for membership at LEC, it is important that you have experienced enough of our program to know confidently that it is a good fit for your family. In addition to understanding Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy, families are highly encouraged to attend an LEC Family Tour or LEC informational event prior to applying.

Statement of Faith

Here at LEC, we refuse to separate our faith in God from our education. We are a community united in our love for Jesus Christ. We believe in humanity and nature united in and for the glory of God.

The Application Process

Each February, returning families have priority application. After our priority application period, we are able to assess how many spots are still available for the upcoming academic year. Once we are certain of this information, registration details will be sent out to our Interest List.

Our open application period for new families begins in the final two weeks of February. The application link for new families will be sent out via email.

There is a one-time new application fee of $50.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until spots are filled. The process is led through prayer and discernment. Applicant families will be notified once a determination has been made.

Please Note: Spots at LEC are extremely limited due to our small class size.

New Family Tours

New family tours for the 2024/2025 academic year are now closed.